Able Tutors takes immense pride in our longstanding involvement in providing dedicated staff to social services and Looked After Children (LAC) teams. Over the years, this experience has allowed us to develop an extensive understanding and expertise in the intricate landscape of educational support for these important sectors.
Our tutoring department has harnessed this invaluable knowledge and expertise, resulting in our ability to seamlessly collaborate and align our efforts with local authorities, schools, virtual schools, and education authorities across the United Kingdom. This close collaboration has become the cornerstone of our approach, enabling us to offer a diverse and truly unique service that caters to the specific needs and expectations of communities and local settings.
Our tailored services are designed to not only meet the educational requirements of students within the social services and LAC system but also to support their holistic development and overall well-being. We understand that these communities have distinct needs, and our commitment is to ensure that we address them comprehensively, contributing positively to the educational journeys of these students.